The Past, Present and Future of Farming Simulator 17 – LS17 mods
Getting information from the lecture “The Past, Present and Future of Farming Simulator”:
- compared to the FS08 for the development of the FS17 are about 6000% more budget.
- Innovations dedicated server:
- There is a “Dedicated Server App” for smartphone’s with group chat, invitation functionality, calendar events (stored as an entry in the phone), Performance Dashboard.
- The web interface has also been redesigned (also https / TLS / SSL encryption).
- further comprises a second LS license is required for the operation of a dedicated server.
- 16x Maps should technically work directly for release start (but need enormous performance)
- Synchronization Ladebalken in Multiplayer: Further yet, but will go faster.
- That was not all, more information will follow! 😉