Sell Point placeable V 1.5 for FS 17

LS 17 Objects

Sell Point placeable V 1.5 for FS 17

POS placeable

Version 1.5
More products:
Wheat barley rape sunflower soybean corn potato sugar beet dung
Fertilizer Seed Feed Feed Mix Chaff Chard Woodchuck Silage Straw Pig Feed
Grass hay liquid fertilizer milk fermenter manure fuel wool tree composting compost
Abladetrigger revised:
Unloading possible with any vehicle

Version 1.5

Mehr Produkte verkaufbar:
Weizen Gerste Raps Sonnenblumen Sojabohnen Mais Kartoffel ZuckerBeet Mist
Dünger Saatgut Futter FutterMix Spreu Holzhackschnitzel Silage Stroh Schweinfutter
Gras Heu Flüssigdünger Milch Gärreste Gülle Treibstoff Wolle Baumsetzlinge Kompost
Abladetrigger überarbeitet:
Abladen mit jedem Fahrzeug möglich

Here can be sold:
Wheat barley rape sunflower soybean corn potato beet fertilizer
Seed Feed Feed mix chaff woodchips silage straw pig feed

It’s my first building, constructive criticism please.

It is forbidden to upload this mod new, not even in a different form!
Please use the original download link!

Modell: Giants/Sas1325
Script: Sas1325
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Why to use Farming Simulator 19 mods | Farming Simulator 22 mods?
Even though Farming Simulator 2019 / Farming Simulator 2022 is a great game, you can make it even more astonishing by installing Farming Simulator 19 mods / Farming Simulator 22 mods. There are plenty of mods for every part of the game so you can change or integrate whatever you like. All the FS 19 mods / FS 22 mods are absolutely costless, so you won’t spend anything trying to change the game according to your own wishes. Our main goal is to keep Farming Simulator 19 / Farming Simulator 22 community happy where everyone has a possibility to implement their ideas and enjoy playing a perfect game. If something looks disturbing, bothers you or maybe you just need to integrate more tools and supplements, simply use FS 2019 mods / FS 2022 mods. Not many games provide an opportunity to change it by individual needs, but Farming Simulator is different. You can do whatever you want just by installing LS 19 mods/ LS22 mods so it’s time for you to take action and fulfill even craziest ideas!

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