New Farming Simulator 17 Features from Farmcon – LS17 mods
- Stop & Go can be enabled/disabled in the menu(not sure who this works)
- in the info menu(aka the “pda”) you can now zoom in on the map
- Chickens can no longer be purchased, they are instead on the farm by default meaning you’ll have x amount of chickens on your farm that you can still collect eggs from
- Some of the new graphics setting are, Texture settings, anti-aliasing, anisotropic filtering and amount of dynamic lights
- The location of where you want your helper to collect slurry can be selected
- Lights(including turn signal) has been improved greatly and will now reflect on the tractors paint
- Engine sounds has been improved
- All vehicles are multi crop ready which means all you have to do is input the crop info into an xml file and you are good to go
- Front linkage is “deactivated”(removed?) when using a frontloader
- We can “flip” bales using our hands, and we can handle wood pieces up to a certain seize
- Animals needs water
- You need to clean up after you animals in the stables using a frontloader with a shovel
- The livestock’s food composition has been extended
- When you buy a stable, you can buy animals as well and have them spawn there directly(for an extra sum) or go collect them yourself
- Animals multiply by feeding them
- When you buy a tractor you can edit the horsepower, color, rim color, whether you want frontloader attachement on it, wheels, wide tires, twin tires(Hopefully row crop, Jeytav)
- If you plow and fertilize 3 times you can increase the yield to 200% instead of 100%
- When in the info menu(new pda from fs15) the game won’t “pause”
- There is a new small woodchipper
- You can load the train with logs using the crane at the train station
- Big bags are a thing and you can either fill you seed tanks using a trigger OR open the lid on the seeder and fill it by holding the bad over the seeder
- There is a mixed ration big bag that you can buy from the store, so you no longer have to save up for a lot of expensive equipment to feed your livestock mixed rations
- Grass and trees look more realistic