Creating mods for Landwirtschafts Simulator 17 (PDF Books)
Are you interested in creating Farming Simulator 17 mods? So these books will help you to start!
Farming Simulator Modding For Dummies serves as a refer- ence for each step in the process of making mods. That process is simultaneously artistic and technical, spanning a wide array of tools and disciplines. For this reason, you often see people group together and form mod teams,
so individuals with a more specialized skill can focus on what they’re good at. If you’re making the full mod your- self, this book can help guide you through it. If you’re one person on a team, the book covers your specialization while also giving you an understanding of what the other members of your team need (as well as what you should expect from them).
This book isn’t large enough to be comprehensive, so I focus on just what you need to know to start building mods. Some subjects simply are out of scope. For exam- ple, on the art side, I cover polygon budgets for models and the process of getting your 3D models properly optimized for the Farming Simulator engine, but there isn’t enough room to cover 3D modeling as a topic. (That would be a book by itself!) Likewise, on the technical side, I can show you the structure of the modDesc.xml file and introduce the possibilities in customizing your mod with Lua, but you’ll need to look online for the full API.
Learn to:
- Get Up and running with 3d modelling and simulation
- Create custom mods for Farming Simulator 17
- Use Giants 3D modeling tools
- Export models to Blender, Maya, 3D Max or FBX
We offer to download Farming Simulator 17 books are translated to:
- Farming Simulator Modding eBook PDF (English) 13.00 MB
- Farming Simulator Modding eBook PDF (German) 14.54 MB
- Farming Simulator Modding eBook PDF (French) 12.93 MB